A few weeks ago, I was feeling down. The enemy’s lies about not being “good enough” were being thrown at me right and left. It was hard for my mind not to believe those lies. It’s easy to just sit in those lies and be filled with sadness, but it was in that moment I felt God speak to me:
“I have written you a whole book of love letters! Take Psalm 23 and write it out as if it were a personal message from me to you.”
So, I did just that. The Bible is God’s love letter to you, sweet friend. It’s filled with so many truths and promises that are essential for us to hold onto when life starts to beat us down—when our flesh wants to convince us that we are worthless or not enough.
This same letter is a love letter to you. As you read it, let the words of Christ comfort your deepest hearts. Let them be a balm to your broken heart. Whatever circumstance you are facing today, God is there to fill your deepest need. He will be your greatest supporter, strongest protector, and the one who brings light into the darkest places of your life.
Dear Lovely Daughter,
I am your shepherd; you have all that you need. I let you rest in green meadows; I lead you beside peaceful streams. I renew your strength. I guide you along right paths, brining honor to my name. Even when you walk through the darkest valley, you will not be afraid, for I am close beside you. My rod and my staff protect and comfort you. I prepare a feast for you in the presence of your enemies. I honor you by anointing your head with oil. Your cup overflows with blessings. Surely my goodness and unfailing love will pursue you all the days of your life, and you will live in the house of the Lord forever!
Your Heavenly Father <3
I pray the words of Psalm 23 reveal more of your heavenly father’s love. The love he has for you is like none other. We are meant to be engulfed by his love like the ocean crashing on the shore. May this love letter in Psalm 23 encourage you today. God paid a price to have you. He sent his only son to the cross so that he could be with you. In this very moment, God pursues you. Read these words, and let the power of his love take over your weary soul.
By Grace Alone,
Rebekah Elizabeth
Click the image to download a US Letter Size Printable. Hang up this poster on your wall or gift it to a friend! Be encouraged <3

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