A while ago, sadness started to overtake me as it had before, but this time, I didn’t want it to stay there. I didn’t want to sit in my sadness. I had spent so much time trying to fight off the sadness. This time, I didn’t try to fight it. I drove onto a country road, turned up my Jesus music, and worshiped the one who was in control of everything.
I said, “Jesus, I no longer want this sadness to affect my day. You can take away my sorrow any second you choose or you can choose to keep it there, but Jesus, I want joy in that sorrow. I need you to give it to me.” Then in that time of sadness, I thanked Jesus for who he was, praising my loving father who has shown himself faithful, countless times before. I put my faith in him and trusted that nothing comes my way that doesn’t first go through him. He knew exactly how I felt and what I needed in that moment.
As I was driving I looked out my window, gazed across the field, and saw the sun beaming down from between the clouds, lighting up the space below it. I proceeded to pull off the side of the road and gaze at the incredible view. It made me think of how that is what God is longing to do in my life specifically in that moment. Jesus reminded me of Psalm 18:28 which says,
“You light a lamp for me. The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness.”
It turns out that what I needed was Jesus himself. He was the one who was going to give me peace and comfort. The one who would fill the holes in my heart with his love. His perfect unfailing love.
The Life God Desires for You
Like a loving father, Jesus doesn’t want our lives to be filled with darkness. He came so that we might have life and have it ABUNDANTELY. He came so that you and I might have life-giving light. When darkness seems to fill your days, don’t just accept the thought that you will always be sad and the darkness won’t leave. That thought is a lie. Don’t live in that place, trying to drown it out with the things this world offers that will never fully satisfy you. Look out that window and realize that Jesus is right there with you, wanting to be the light in your life. Seek to find your joy in Jesus. The clouds can’t stop him from shining.
His light will seep into every part of your life. It will shine through the broken pieces. It will penetrate and then overflow in every dark place.
Psalm 139: 9-12 says,
“If I ride the wings of the morning,
if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
even there your hand will guide me,
and your strength will support me.
I could ask the darkness to hide me
and the light around me to become night—
but even in darkness I cannot hide from you.
To you the night shines as bright as day.
Darkness and light are the same to you.”
If darkness is all that life seems to give you, then you are missing out on the one thing that gives life. If with every day comes sorrow that you can’t seem to get away from, you are missing out on the one thing that gives joy. With Jesus, you could BEG darkness to overtake you, YET he would still shine through. In your darkest time, he will still be a light and Light will always overcome darkness.
The night shines as bright as day to him. This means that no matter how dark your situation is, or how deep in that pit you are—whether you’re at the edge or have fallen into the deepest part—Jesus is with you, and He wants to shine His light on your life. He wants to come bursting through the clouds to bring light to your darkness. What steals your joy has to no longer. The thief comes to steal and destroy, but Jesus came so that you could have life. In his presence is fullness of joy.
Call on Jesus to Reveal His Light in Your Darkness
There must have been something about that scene of the light breaking through the clouds, shining down on Earth, that made not only me think it was beautiful. Shortly after I stopped on the side of the road, another car did the same to take in the view. It’s one of those things that catches your eye. A scene that makes you in awe. Maybe it’s because of the contrast of light and dark. That light shows up best when it is shown into darkness.
So take some time to pull off on the side of the road and look out the window. Call on the Light to shine through your life. He will more than gladly answer your prayer in ways you couldn’t even dream of. Darkness is not the life he desires for you. When you call on Jesus, he will be the light in the darkness because he delights in showing unfailing love to you. ❤
By Grace Alone,
Rebekah Elizabeth
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