Take away your looks and material possessions. Who are you? Nothing is more fleeting, so why not just see who you are without all that? What is left when what is most fleeting is taken away?
If you are reading this right now, I believe God wants you to know that he created the beautiful sunsets and sunrises, the majestic mountains and valleys, and the shining stars in the sky. Yet, the most beautiful masterpiece your loving Father created was you. God created you as a stunning masterpiece and he longs for you to believe that.
The artist who created the universe created you. You are more than a body. Jesus took our skin and bones and breathed life into them. The very breath of God is in you. He put a soul into our bodies.
“Your unfailing love is better than life itself;
how I praise you!” (Psalm 63:3)
So you can take anything this world throws at you because, with anything that is given or taken away, the love of Jesus is better. That love will never leave you. It pursues you. God is chasing you, so stop running. You can’t earn God’s love, so he freely gives it to you. He doesn’t love the way this world does. His love doesn’t depend on reciprocity.
If you are going to say you aren’t beautiful, say it to the face of the King who created you. Spill out exactly how you feel, then pause and pray. Let his truths wash away those lies. He will never stop telling you, “You are beautiful!” This isn’t just flattery. For flattery is fake. It is deceptive. It is weak and won’t stand the test of time. God’s words are true. Time will not break them.
One of my favorite times of the day is night. It didn’t use to be and sometimes it still isn’t, but I used to HATE nighttime. There was a period of my life where a lot of nights I would cry myself to sleep. Most of the time when I finally fell asleep, I would later wake up in the middle of the night with a panic attack, barely being able to breathe.
As time went on, God showed me that the night wasn’t necessarily bad. I started to look up at the stars at night and think about Isaiah 40: 26-27.
“Look up into the heavens.
Who created all the stars?
He brings them out like an army, one after another,
calling each by its name.
Because of his great power and incomparable strength,
not a single one is missing.
O Jacob, how can you say the Lord does not see your troubles?
O Israel, how can you say God ignores your rights?”
Look up to the stars and believe this truth.
God paints the sunset and places the shining stars in the sky, yet his most beautiful creation is you. I’m not talking about the “you are beautiful” that you get from your mom, though she is telling the truth. I’m talking about the fact that the God of the universe made you. Exactly how you were meant to be.
Living as God’s Masterpiece: Finding Your True Identity in Christ
If you are going to shed a tear, let it never be over the thought that you aren’t beautiful. You are exactly who the perfect artist created you to be. Your past doesn’t make you ugly or dirty. Quit looking at your ocean of sin. That’s not for you to look at. God has already cast it as far as the east is from the west. The past is old news. God has made us NEW!
If you have ever been told differently, I feel sorry for the person who said so. They must not believe that they are beautiful. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have put you down to make them feel better. What this world calls “beauty” could be taken away in a split second. You could get in a car accident on the way to work and lose an arm. You could become a burn victim with half your face almost burned off. Does that make you any less beautiful? Does that make you not loveable? NO.
Let the Bible Be Your Mirror
Look to God and you will be able to see the beauty you are. He doesn’t love you based on a list. Anything on a list could be taken away. Your Loving Father loves you because he loves you. It’s just that simple. The masterpiece God created in the sky tonight, its beauty is nothing compared to the masterpiece he created in you. So stop telling yourself lies. The best way to see yourself isn’t through a mirror but through the word of God. Let the truth of God’s word be the mirror of who God created you to be.
Tonight, you are not alone. Never were you alone. Never will you be. God is no stranger to your pain. He has felt every ounce of it. Every tear he has collected. Your heavenly Father does not get pleasure from your pain. He pleads FOR you.
When God says that you are wonderfully made, trust Him. Were you there when he told the ocean where to stop? Were you there when he placed the stars in the sky? Were you there when God put the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky?
This isn’t some fake, feel-good post. It’s the truth.
“A voice said, “Shout!”
I asked, “What should I shout?”“Shout that people are like the grass.
Their beauty fades as quickly
as the flowers in a field.
The grass withers and the flowers fade
beneath the breath of the Lord.
And so it is with people.
The grass withers and the flowers fade,
but the word of our God stands forever.” (Isaiah 40:6-8)
Psalm 139 was written for you. Read it. Then read it again. Then read it again until your soul is filled with true thoughts of who you really are. Therefore, do not lose heart. Still dare to hope. You are of infinite value. Why? There is a God that died for you. There is a God who is CONSTANTLY thinking about you. I wish I could constantly think about God, but my mind is filled with so much other crap that doesn’t even matter most of the time. Yet, he never stops thinking about you. He DELIGHTS in every moment of your life.
“How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
They cannot be numbered!” (Psalm 139:17)
If you are to think anything about yourself, think about that ^^^ It isn’t the beautiful sunset that God continues to think about, it is you!
God’s Thoughts Towards You, His Child
When I was in high school, my family took a vacation to Colorado. One of the things we did while there was a hike up Pikes Peak. Living in Indiana at the time, all I knew was flat land. So when I got right above the tree line, I was quite literally speechless from the beauty of that view. I had never experienced something quite like it. That awe, I believe, is like what God feels when he looks at us. Only so much greater.
Christmas Day 2016, the best Christmas I have ever had. To my complete surprise (haha), I found out I was going to be an Aunt. When I tell you I experienced a joy I had never felt before, I mean it. I instantly felt a love I had never felt before for a child who wasn’t even born yet. I can’t help but believe that is how God feels and thinks about us.
If you are broken, that is the best place to be. For God came for the broken, suffered for the broken, died for the broken, and praise the Lord Jesus Christ, he ROSE For. The. Broken. God is close to the brokenhearted. It is in our weakness that he is strong. So if you are broken, you are in the best place. Don’t fret. Don’t fear. God does his best healing with the broken pieces. Call upon God in the day of trouble, and He WILL deliver you <3
By Grace Alone,
Rebekah Elizabeth